Information Centre of Lesdrevmash’2014 Starts Working
The Information Centre will ensure a steady stream of news about the exhibition and its participants and organization of media events. The Centre will provide production of photo and video reports and data transmission on Twitter.
The aim of the information channel is to continuously supply mass media and the exhibition target audience with the latest information about the arrangement of the trade show and its key events.
During the exhibition period the Information Centre will be located on the territory of the main exposition. Besides, the Information Centre will provide journalists with workplaces having internet connection.
The Lesdrevmash’2014 Information Centre invites market analysts and specialists to take part in the planning of round-table discussions and hold their own events with the participation of mass media. All the events held in the frames of the Information Centre will receive wide coverage in trade media and daily exhibition bulletin ‘Forest Industry. Daily’. Send your applications for running events within the Information Centre and participating companies’ news by e-mail
Lesnaya Industriya editorial staff enables running of the Information Centre with the assistance of the Lesdrevmash’2014 Organizing Committee and Expocentre ZAO.
Lesnaya Industriya is the first trade magazine for entrepreneurs and professionals whose business is related to wood raw material. Lesnaya Industriya Magazine comes out 10 times a year and presents analyses of the latest developments in the timber industry. Each issue contains an interview with the head of one of the major companies of the industry, case studies of the leading manufacturers, experts’ comments and opinions, market analyses and review of new woodworking technologies. Lesnaya Industriya helps to stay ahead of the competitors.
For more information, please, contact:
Diana Rostovtseva
Coordinator of the Information Centre
of the Lesdrevmash’2014 exhibition
Office: +7 499 6535650
Mobile: +7 903 590 59 25