Keren Kaymet le-Israel – The Israeli Forest Service at the International Exhibition Lesdrevmash’2012, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow

29 / 10 / 2012

The Forest Service of Israel was introduced in Russia for the first time at the International Exhibition Lesdrevmash‘2012 by a beautifully decorated, informative and therefore  attracting for experts booth.

Forests cover about 9% of the territory of Israel and are considered to be a core element of the overall ecosystem.

The main activities of the Forest Service  is the restoration and expansion of the capacity of the forest, combating desertification, creating recreation areas, construction of bicycle and pedestrian routes, the creation of community forests.

The representatives of the Forest Service of Israel made ??three posts on the various sections of the 6th International  Forum "Forest and Man":

  • the transformation of forestry  from  monoculture pine forests to sustainable multifunctional forest management,
  • the Israeli concept of preventing forest  fires and  the legal regulation of forestry.

The messages generated interest of the present experts and as a result have been identified and approved in principle the way of interaction between the Federal Forestry Agency of Russia and Keren Kaymet le Israel.
