3rd Forum on the Russian Forest Engineering at Lesdrevmash 2022
An important part of the Lesdrevmash 2022 conference programme was the 3rd Forum of the Russian Forest Engineering, dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship and education in the field of technological equipment for the forestry sector. The event was organised by the Association of Organisations and Enterprises of Woodworking Machine Building and EXPOCENTRE AO.
According to the moderator, Vladimir Gorbenko, Director General of the Association of Organisations and Enterprises of Woodworking Machine Building, the import dependency of the forestry sector is over 90%. Reducing import dependence is the task of those who are directly related to the forest machine industry. These are enterprises and organisations manufacturing goods and services in the area of forestry machinery, i.e. technological equipment (machinery and devices) for forestry, forest inventory, logging, timber transportation, timber processing, forest monitoring, forest fire prevention and extinguishing. The forum aims to review the situation and make recommendations for the development of the forest machinery industry, the presenter said.
Vladimir Katsadze, Director of the Interindustry Institute of Further Education and Associate Professor at the Kirov St. Petersburg Forestry University, voiced a number of problems that are and should be posed before starting to invent, design or manufacture any forestry machinery.
One of the problems, according to the expert, is hard-to-reach logging areas, which require the use of road construction machinery not available to logging companies. The development of hard-to-reach logging sites includes both the organisation of hauling and the construction of logging roads, and the use of various technologies and specialised equipment.
The discussion was continued by Fyodor Svoykin, Associate Professor at the Forestry Technology Department of the Kirov St. Petersburg State Forestry University and representative of Amkodor, the manufacturer of road construction machinery. He elaborated on the issues of niche positioning of the machinery.
Vladimir Kondratyuk, General Director of the State Research Centre for the Timber Industry, pointed out that there is no forestry machinery industry in Russia. "Taking into account real indicators of service life and reliability of forest machines, we need 100% renewal of domestic machines and subsequently 20% annual renewal and the same renewal of imported machines," - noted the speaker.
Mikhail Konyushenkov, Head of the Centre for Development of Priority Unmanned Technologies in the Forestry Sector, spoke about the required volumes of machinery and equipment in forestry.
During the discussion wishes were expressed for the formation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the forest machinery industry, development of production and import substitution of products. The forum talked about increasing the production of machinery and equipment for the forestry sector by Russian universities and about the consolidation of enterprises and organisations in the industry for joint problem solving.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO